19. August 2018
IoT Beratung Digitalisierung

The Internet of Things – Objects become active participants in the digital world!

n 2020, more than 25 billion devices will be interconnected in the “Internet of Things”. They will thus form a gigantic data source for new applications, products […]
7. March 2019

Mobile working – how companies and employees can benefit from the development of digital office technologies

Vision and state of affairs he birds chirp in your garden, the mowing robot does its job quietly and the smell of freshly mown grass rises […]
20. May 2019

Data, data, data – how to increase the value of digitization

he future of a digital economy depends largely on the availability, analysis and interpretation of data. Already today, countless amounts of data are generated and processed […]
3. June 2019

Towards a digital society – what businesses should take into account in cultural change

umanity has always been subject to change, which takes place constantly in most times, but sometimes also “disruptively” (for example in revolutions). It is currently digitalization […]